Web Design Trends for Booking Apps: How to Rock It In 2022-2023 & Beyond

6 min read
Best Practices

Imagine a hotel check-in. Or first visiting an office of a company you’re about to seal a deal with. Guess you hate the idea of being disregarded and lost with no directions or, instead, sandwiched between avid well-wishers bombarding you with one-in-a-lifetime offers.

Exactly for this reason, it’s worth treating your booking app design as a key to enabling a vibrant welcome-aboard impression. As HoReCa and other industries shake the ordeal of the last couple of years in time with Google updating its algorithms, so should we be at the top of our game. 

Come along, let’s unwrap web design trends, the current and evergreen ones, and get an edge with brand-new booking apps for business.

Table of Contents

  • Scrollytelling or dynamic scrolling
  • Mobile-first experience
  • Single-page apps & progressive web apps
  • No-code app software
  • Optimized load time & page speed
  • ADA & WCAG compliance
  • Chatbot implementation 
  • Mindful design
  • Black-n-white minimalism
  • Typographic maximalism
  • Gender-neutral design
  • Multimedia experiences

Scrollytelling or dynamic scrolling

Navigation is king — by no means it’s to be diminished. All the more so, it can evoke strong emotions and even tell thrilling stories. Scrollytelling is big now and is definitely here to stay, as it enables the best hotel booking apps to lay out histories of their facilities through dynamic visual experiences.

In this regard, we can’t see past the trend of horizontal scrolling. Sure, in case your app users tend to be more conservative, don’t stand in their way — opt for vertical scrolling. Yet, communicate linear messages, remember to avoid distracting content, and don’t make users switch between external integrations.

Also, a dynamic scroll doesn’t let your app slow down — clients access it nice and easy from any device, just as Google demands. Speaking of which, being mobile-friendly is a golden standard among trends in web design.

Mobile-first experience

Brace yourself, mobile-friendly responsive sites are more of a must than one of short-term web design trends. So, time that we right the wrongs with booking apps unadapted for easy on-the-fly usage. It’s either you fall in line and engage decent audiences or lose them day in day out for failing to catch up with the mobile-first reality — simple as that. 

Quick stats. The global mobile internet traffic equals to around 55% of total web traffic. Meaning, whether or not to lose a good half of clients is your call, top to bottom.

Mobile first

Single-page apps & progressive web apps

Joining the list of diamonds in the “navigation is king” crown, SPAs and PWAs. To never leave the UX out of your hands, underpin your booking apps with platform-specific patterns. Bet, the app-like experience is what’s appreciated by clients from the outset. 

First, one navigates native features as easily as 1-2-3. Second, enjoys unrivaled performance on any platform, no matter the network connection. Third, you rejoice at higher conversion rates. Et voilà — simplicity is forever. Even more so when it comes to engineering, which is exactly the case of PWAs and SPAs. Takes no headaches building them with no-code tools.

No-code app software

Yeah, about the no-code. It’s yet another trendy web design approach to set your heart on. Saves tons of time and resources, not to speak of providing efficient cross-team collaboration tools. This isn’t to say there’s no code involved at all — it’s just that it’s readily accessible and exportable any time you wish to make changes.

So, by banking on platforms like Hotelchamp, HoReCa and eCommerce marketers make room for critical design expenses while conveniently using pre-built drag and drop features and cloud storages.

Optimized load time & page speed

No secret that correct timing can save or earn you a fortune. In terms of conversion and SEO, booking apps that load within under 3 seconds beat their slower competitors twofold. Again, time is money. Essentially, making your website blazing-fast increases the bottom line. 

Take Pinterest’s example. By reducing perceived wait times by 40%, the service made it to 15% higher traffic and subscription rates. So, at the end of the day, pleasing Google algorithms gives a certain edge.

ADA & WCAG compliance

Having manners never hurts anyone. Good reasons to demonstrate being civilized on the web are ADA and WCAG standards that are more of a digital business courtesy than a web design trend. In line with the acts, building websites that are tone-deaf to users with limited abilities isn’t an option anymore. 

In case your booking apps are inconvenient for disabled or elderly users, you risk ending up with costly litigations. But it’s not all penalties and mind-blowing rules. The angle for you is that by structuring an accessible site you bolster SEO, UX, and user retention while kissing goodbye to bounce rate.

After all, what’s bad in using inclusive language, alt text, closed captions and well-vetted linking? Challenge accepted — and you capitalize on brilliant customer service with intuitive UI, easy controls, and low-effort data navigation. Nice job!

Chatbot implementation 

Yes, conversational UIs are still a thing, translating into the new normal among web design trends, especially for hotel booking apps. Chatbots cannot be underestimated when it comes to processing common customer service requests.

And no, it’s quite the opposite to demonstrating that human-to-human communication isn’t among your admin’s core strengths. It’s about being 24/7 there for those who like things automated, with limited social contact tension. Note. Better implement voice commands support right away.

Mindful design

Back from navigation intricacies to square one of what a decent booking engine should look like, as of the latest web design trends. And it’s again all about trying not to make users lose their temper and quit in search for a more comprehensible interface.

Quite self-explanatory, following mindful web design principles means simply avoiding cumbersome graphic elements and excessive hardly digestible data. Make pages cleaner, leave more white space (aka negative) to breathe, alongside a relaxing atmosphere that invites seeking comfort.

Also relevant any year, human-centered design. It still deserves a special note, as companies get increasingly disturbed by the problems behind deceptive or dark design patterns. So, just use common sense and be open about what you offer. Steady trust and quick conversion to book — check and check.


Black-n-white minimalism

Extrapolating the easy vibe on colors, the black and white mode rules the current web design trends, and is believed to be huge for quite some time. Other than that, the negative white space tends to give way to dark schemes. And no doubt, less is more is the motto of this minimalist festival.

Mild aesthetics, simple elements, smooth interaction — and all of it is perfect in every way for both horizontal and vertical scrolling. Can one expect more? Still, there's more! Dark themes are also a blessing in terms of healthy screen time, as they minimize eye strain.

Typographic maximalism

Provided that you have a clear mission, sometimes you have to make some noise to be heard. To make a strong first impression on their booking apps’ users, designers increasingly opt for bold and oversized typography. This way, they are looking to openly communicate their primary messages and accelerate conversion.

Huge-size text can well be considered a full-blown graphic element, not a copy. Great news it helps marry multiple design elements, but God forbid you make the UI look abusive — dark patterns, remember?

Gender-neutral design

As we change as a society, so do modern web design trends. In these terms, leaving enough room for gender inclusivity while keeping stereotypes off is a way to go for the best hotel booking apps. Broader brand’s reach, healthy reputation — why not if it takes just avoiding crying pink and blue?

So what’s with gender-neutral minimalistic colors? Typically, they are muted black and white (yes, again), gray, light brown, and more jolly — yellow, orange, and green. Add to that traditional web fonts, calm imagery and language — and whoop, you better connect with customers while boosting conversion.


Multimedia experiences

To give your booking apps a more dynamic and emotional twist, 2022 web design trends suggest combining versatile multimedia experiences. Could be engaging background videos, interactive animation, virtual tours, explainers, showcases, reels — whatnot.

Still, all in good time, well proportioned — the content should be really addictive to make users love every second of it. Better keep it simple and avoid being salesy and annoying.

As for the major web design trends, that’s pretty much it — bet you don’t have the eternity to dig through all of them at once. Now that we’ve prepared the ground for building slick booking apps to hit in 2022-2023, you’re good to go! Hope to have you back shortly.


Andy Lappo
Andy Lappo

Tech Critic

Andy Lappo

Andy Lappo

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