Best Backend Trends for Enterprise Projects

4 min read
Best Practices

Sure, you know the buzz on the street about the backend as the point where the major magic happens. Essentially, backends are websites’ engines, as they are decisive in how good your page’s performance is. And right, choosing an efficient framework is a substantial part of website success, especially when it comes to enterprise-scale projects. 

So here we are again, searching for the best back end development trends. Hm, why rack your brain about the choice? Can’t we just look into the stats on the most popular backend frameworks, follow the biggest players and pick something there? Okay, now let’s put it straight from the outset — none of it makes sense until we dig into what’s huge today on back-end development horizons. 

Come along, let’s bring in some forward-thinking to make your brand-new website the trendiest place to visit.

Table of Contents

  • Top web backend development trends in 2023
  • A quick wrap-up

Top web backend development trends in 2023

Serverless architecture

Bet, this trend isn’t a short-termer. The thing is, there was a time (not long ago) when prior to building an enterprise web app, you were to buy server hardware. Boring, resource-consuming? Rightly so. Today, serverless computing steps in to leave server maintenance headaches behind.

Server vs serverless architecture

Not that there won’t be any server whatsoever involved. It’s just that it’s the vendors of such back-end services who wrestle with all the routines around server infrastructure. Meaning, you just run the code on cloud platforms like Azure or AWS while saving funds on CPU time and server space. Also, unlike traditional cloud backend services, serverless architectures enable scaling code easier under no policy considerations.

Containerized architecture

Alongside serverless computing, containers help avoid overheads and ensure greater app flexibility. With serverless containers keeping both the app and all the maintenance instruments at hand, you can smoothly deploy APIs and host web pages while moving them anywhere, which is especially valuable in case you need to migrate legacy systems to the cloud. Therefore, you can also better control your software running environment, nice and easy.

Headless CMS

Serving as content repositories and running in the cloud, headless CMSs enable greater flexibility and scalability while managing your enterprise app’s content. Specifically, one can access content through an API on any device, with no need for a presentation layer or a built-in front-end. In time with developers building your app, you’ll be able to store and quickly create prime digital experiences.


Also increasingly efficient in terms of dynamic content updates, single-page applications help improve the UX and overall website performance. Page speed will be great at all times, as there’s no need for a lasting download from the server. SPAs are an excellent choice for eCommerce or HoReCa enterprises, as picky customers hate to wait an eternity as pages load.

Progressive web apps capitalize on current APIs to enhance functionality, resilience, and ability to deploy them whenever you need them, on any device, from a unified codebase. PWAs look and feel just like mobile apps, so the user won’t have to lose time, money, and storage capacity for downloading software. Meaning, five stars for the UX on the spot.

API-first engineering

Need an enterprise app seamlessly connecting with multiple external platforms and devices? Then API-first development is the approach that’s just cut out for your project. Essentially, by building apps with APIs in mind, you can efficiently segment functionality into self-contained services. This product-centric strategy enables developing innovation-first apps underlying interoperable modules, compatible with all platforms, OSs, and devices.



Basically, microservices are pieces of software running on their own, with their architecture enabling app scalability and quick rollout. Not having dependencies, cloud-native microservices can be created with any programming language and data storage model. 

The greatest advantage of this strategy is that one can make changes in separate microservices without wrecking the rest of the app. Meaning, you may segment your solution into thousands of microservices and be free to revamp or redesign them whenever you wish to overrun market competitors.

A quick wrap-up

Sure, this isn’t to close the book on the most popular backend trends, as times can change pretty fast, bringing new arrivals to the very top. Yet, the general trend seems to be around reducing coding effort and overall development time while providing greater room for adding modular services and features. And again, no trend is bigger than purposefulness, so DYOR and always touch the base with all the stakeholders involved.


Andy Lappo
Andy Lappo

Tech Critic

Andy Lappo

Andy Lappo

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