B2B Auction Platform Serving European Telecom Operators

Secure and reliable solution with real-time notifications
Customer location
  • Austria Austria
Project duration:
  • 3+ years

Client and Business Goals

Specure GmbH, Vienna, Austria, specializes in spectrum auctions delivery and QoS (quality of service) measurement and monitoring of the internet access service. The company collaborates with numerous telecom market regulators on innovative solutions that help with their regulatory jobs. The client’s business need was to develop an auction platform for telecom operators to buy land in uncovered or insufficiently covered territories subject to coverage setup.


The new solution development underlay a string of client’s requirements:

  • Instant notification about the current auction status;
  • Template-based auction structure with specific logic and rules for each auction;
  • Access to each auction by only certified users;
  • System correspondence to particular industry security standards.

We had to change the code significantly to adapt the interface and logic as required by customers of our client. Our task was to develop the frontend but we also supported the backend development.




The Symfa team developed the interface and logic of the client’s application based on Angular 9. We ensured the information security of the system through SSL and Amazon LDAP. The solution runs either on AWS servers, Specure infrastructure, or the end-client’s servers depending on their preferences.

Solution’s highlights

  • Certificate-based access to participate in a particular auction.
  • Auction templates implementation with the rules depending on the requirements of our client’s customers.
  • Storage of information about each completed round to the database.
  • Real-time notification on auction status through WebSockets.
  • Internet access monitoring for prompt notification of connection loss.
  • Messaging through the auction chat.

QA Highlights

  • Test plan preparation and harmonization after the QA Lead carefully reviewed the Vision & Scope
  • Checklists preparation and smoke testing during Zero Sprint
  • During the active development phase, the QA engineer did regression tests to check each new build for critical and major issues
  • Ad-hoc and exploratory testing upon client request
  • Test documentation preparation (checklists, test cases, test reports, Known Issues Weekly Report, acceptance checklists)


  • Angular
  • Nginx
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML5
  • Java 8
  • CSS3
  • AWS
  • Debian


Having overcome technical challenges successfully, the Symfa team provided the client with a reliable solution that can be easily configured under the business needs of every new customer of our client.

The product has been deployed in several countries across Europe and Africa, including the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Slovakia.

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